py-sip | Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries | |
py-sip-qt5 | SIP bindings for C and C++ libraries (PyQt5 version) | |
py-terminator | Terminator, multiple terminals in one window | |
py-terminator-plugins | Set of plugins for terminator | |
py-Tk | Tkinter -- Python interface to Tcl/Tk | |
py-vte | Python bindings for the Vte terminal widget | |
py-wxWidgets | Python bindings for wxWidgets | |
py-xcbgen | XCB protocol descriptions (in XML) | |
py-Xlib | Functional X client library for Python | |
qqc2-desktop-style | Style for Qt Quick Controls 2 to make it follow your desktop theme | |
qt4 | meta-package for the QT GUI C++ toolkit | |
qt4-creator | Cross-platform IDE for Qt and C++ | |
qt4-docs | Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit | |
qt4-libs | C++ X GUI toolkit | |
qt4-mng | QT MNG image format plugin | |
qt4-mysql | QT mysql driver | |
qt4-pgsql | QT postgresql driver | |
qt4-qdbus | QT DBus support | |
qt4-qscintilla | Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt | |
qt4-sqlite3 | Qt4 sqlite3 driver | |
qt4-tiff | QT TIFF image format plugin | |
qt4-tools | QT GUI (WYSIWYG) builder and other tools | |
qt5 | meta-package for version 5 of the QT GUI C++ toolkit | |
qt5-mysql | Qt5 MySQL plugin | |
qt5-odbc | Qt5 odbc plugin | |
qt5-psql | Qt5 PostgreSQL plugin | |
qt5-qtbase | C++ X GUI toolkit | |
qt5-qtcharts | Qt5 module for charts framework | |
qt5-qtconnectivity | Qt5 module for connectivity framework | |
qt5-qtdeclarative | Qt5 module for declarative framework | |
qt5-qtdoc | Qt5 documentations | |
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects | Qt5 module for Graphics effects | |
qt5-qtimageformats | Qt5 module for Image formats | |
qt5-qtlocation | Qt5 module for qtlocation | |
qt5-qtmacextras | Qt5 module for Mac extras | |
qt5-qtmultimedia | Qt5 module for multimedia | |
qt5-qtnetworkauth | Qt5 module for networkauth framework | |
qt5-qtquickcontrols | Qt5 module for QuickControls | |
qt5-qtquickcontrols2 | Next generation user interface controls based on Qt Quick | |
qt5-qtscript | Qt5 module for script | |
qt5-qtsensors | Qt5 module for Sensors | |
qt5-qtserialport | Qt5 module for Serial Port | |
qt5-qtsvg | Qt5 module for SVG | |
qt5-qttools | Qt5 tools | |
qt5-qttranslations | Qt5 translations | |
qt5-qtwebchannel | Qt5 WebChannel module | |
qt5-qtwebkit | Qt5 WebView module | |
qt5-qtwebsockets | Qt5 module for websockets | |
qt5-qtx11extras | Qt5 module for X11 extras | |
qt5-qtxmlpatterns | Qt5 module for XML Patterns | |
qwt-qt4 | Qt widget library for technical purposes | |
qwt6-qt4 | Qt widget library for technical purposes | |
qwtplot3d-qt4 | 3D-widgets for qt4 | |
rapidsvn (V) | Cross-platform Subversion GUI | |
ratmen | Allows you to create X menus from the shell | |
rclock (V) | Analog clock for X w/appointment reminder and mail notification | |
redshift | Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun | |
rendercheck | XRender test application | |
renderproto9 | Render extension headers | |
rep-gtk2 | GTK2 librep bindings (used by wm/sawfish) | |
rgb | RGB color database | |
rofi | Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement | |
rox-session | Very simple session manager | |
rox-wallpaper | For setting the backdrop | |
rstart | Implements A Flexible Remote Execution Protocol Based on rsh | |
ruby-gnome2-gtk | Ruby binding of GTK+-2.x | |
ruby-gnome2-gtk3 | Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x | |
ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview2 | Ruby binding of gtksourceview2 | |
ruby-gnome2-gtksourceview3 | Ruby binding of gtksourceview3 | |
ruby-gnome2-vte | Ruby binding of vte | |
ruby-tk | Ruby interface to the Tk widget set | |
ruby-tk-gem | Tk interface module using tcltklib | |
ruby-wxruby | Cross-platform GUI library for creating desktop applications | |
rxvt | Low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color | |
rxvt-unicode | Clone of rxvt supporting Xft fonts and Unicode | |
sakura | Sakura is a terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE that supports tab | |
sawfish (V) | Extensible window manager that is fully configurable in Lisp | |
sessreg | Manage utmp/wtmp entries for xdm | |
setxkbmap | Set the keyboard map using the X Keyboard Extension | |
slim | Simple login manager | |
slock | Simple X11 screen locker | |
slop | X display selection tool | |
space_dapp | Tiny dock app to create an empty space | |
speyes | South Park XEyes clone | |
ssystem | Solar System Flyby Simulator | |
st-term | Simple terminal implementation for X | |
stalonetray | Stand-alone system tray | |
startup-notification | X11 application startup notification library | |
startup-notification010 | X11 application startup notification library | |
sunclock (V) | Show which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun | |
swisswatch (V) | Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance | |
sxhkd | Simple X hotkey daemon | |
tabbed | Simple generic tabbed frontend to xembed aware applications | |
tile | X11 Window Tiler | |
tint2 | Lightweight panel/taskbar for Linux and BSD | |
titrax (V) | Little X11 tool to track project times | |
tk | Graphical toolkit for TCL | |
tk-BWidget | High-level Widget Set for Tcl/Tk | |
tk-Tix | Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk | |
tk85 | Graphical toolkit for TCL |